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A new beginning.

November 17, 2011

I haven’t written in a while and for that I am sorry. People have a way of forgetting that which is not down over and over and over. I always wondered why life was so different fro the way I thought it was. Then I realized how truly ignorant I am. It was all about what I would accomplish, my ambitions and goals. I was selfish a boy wanting more than he could have. I now understand that everything I do in 10 or 20 years no one will remember. I ask myself every morning now, after speaking to a friend. If you die today and God asked what I had done these past two years, what would I say? I would have said ” Well God not much just went to school putzed around played a lot of video games. The only two distinct things would be falling in love with a wonderful girl and working at a camp for inner city kids.” So as this question bounces in my head I wonder what can I do that matters that in 10 to 20 years someone will be like hey do you remember that guy who God worked through and in doing so saved our lives for all eternity? I’m not wanting my name on a stamp but I sure do want people to remember that God worked through that one guy and that one guy was me.


That is all I have to say is be somebody that isn’t afraid to let God move in and through. Go out into the real world so that you may show the love of Christ to so many others,



This Mountain is too high?

March 28, 2011

Can we say that a mountain is to high? Or that a canyon is too wide? Can we say a river runs to fast!! Can we say something is impossible and since it is impossible we can not try it? NO I say NO! Impossible does not exists!! Through Christ all is doable! NO mountain is too high! No canyon is to deep. No river runs to fast. Christ is above all and as Christians all is POSSIBLE. People don’t understand this, they stop trying on the fact that they have been told that it can’t be done. Well I say GO! Go and climb that mountain, repel down that canyon, and cross that river! Life is but a challenge waiting to be faced. But not by ourselves, through CHRIST all is done, all is able to be accomplished.

My reason for this tirade, is that this past month impossible has become the possible. My life has taken a turn for the best. Putting my faith for the past 19 years that Christ puts wonderful Godly people in my life. This may not sound impossible or improbable but to find God-fearing people like the ones I found are 1 in 6 billion. Lucky for me I found these people. These five people who has helped me stay close to God in my storms and to give advice when I don’t think I need it.

God is the ruler of all he is the light to my dark world. He is my Father. He puts people in our lives to guide us teach us and help us hold on to people that we care about. My last point about impossible becoming possible is that I Reuben for the first time in 19 years has a girlfriend and she is a great friend and a great Christian and I thank God every day.

One more thing….. “Trust God and you can overcome the impossibilities of life!” – Me

When do we stop?

March 22, 2011

When do we stop believing? When do we stop asking for help? When should we concede to the patterns of the world? Never I say! My life has its ups and downs. In high school I was the butt of every joke. I was made fun of for my faith and for my lack of rebellion. Life was a rut, a long everlasting rut. Girls passed by with out glancing and guys thought I was to “good” or too much of a “nerd” to hang out with. But I kept praying, I prayed for friends who had no judging in there eyes or a girl who would treat with me respect and look at me with delight. But life kept knocking me down, I was down for the count but I didn’t conform, I didn’t let it get me down. I put on a smile and with the help of Christ I pushed though the pain and the suffering. I don’t tell you “the reader” this to make me look like a superhero or lucky. I tell you this to show how Christ helped me through it all. Now back to the story. Life was tough no one saw me as an equal but the kid who can take a joke against him. I was the kid people thought was a weirdo. But in this path of destruction and of pain. There was a light and that light was college, it gave me hope for a new beginning a place to start anew. When I came to Kuyper I was hit with I feeling I hadn’t felt since kids camp or church. I felt a sense of strength a sense of acceptance. Kuyper showed me a side of people I thought could only be depicted in movies. But life wasn’t all joy it wasn’t all gumdrops and candy canes. LIfe still had hardships and problems. But with the problems I had brothers and sisters who helped me get through it all and I still do. That was the difference. I had no idea what God still had in store for me in the second semester!
You may have questions about why didn’t I mention my family? Or what is going on NOW! well this is a blog not a book, this is to give God the glory for me having success and failure in life. God is the reason I am still here and he is the reason why I must tell you this.

Every week on Mondays I will be updating and telling my story. I’ll address issues in my life and how Christ strengthens me. Next week will give you whats been going on in the past month or so and how it has changed my life forever!!!